Population Health Management
Population Risk Optimisation Through Eclipse Clinical Triage. The PROTECT system is all about delivering value for the NHS through effective Population Health Management
Diabetes Complete
An online interface allowing effortless management of your diabetes patients through seamless integration with all practice clinical systems.
Eclipse Prime
The ability to identify holistic care to the right priority cohort and to motivate patients with targeted support and education to enhance effective health outcomes.
Patient Engagement
Through the provision of a web based patient portal and the implementation of positive support, education and feedback tools patients can easily be engaged.
Digital Care Record
Putting the right information and clinical support in the hands of doctors, nurses and other care professionals at the right time.
Looper Service
Creating a standardised referral pathway allows effective surveillance enabling safer management of patients awaiting a specialist assessment.
Cancer Screening
This enhanced national adult screening interface enables a live data platform that supports Professor Richards’ recent Screening recommendations
Ambulance Service
Provides ambulance services with a standardised and comprehensive clinical view for patients requiring their service.
VISTA Pathways
The VISTA Pathways interface has been specifically designed to enable effective validation of implementations. It provides NHS organisations with a highly focused and effective population health management tool.
PROTECT Validated Outcomes
COVID Protect - Shielded Patients
Implemented in conjunction with Norfolk and Waveney CCG
March 2020 - July 2020
Norfolk and Waveney CCG Business Intelligence team

Find out more about our population health services
If GP Practices or CCGs would like to know more please contact the Prescribing Services team for further information utilising the details below.
01553 615555